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Friday, November 30, 2007, 11:14 PM

Some cataclysmic event occured in camp while I was relishing my escape from camp at home. For those who speculated the camp was a target of arson by some psycho on the loose, Im sorry to disappoint you =P. Well... this may astonish some of the you who frequent my blog, especially if you're not in my platoon, but the issue is merely a quarrel between 'the duo' and another individual. Okay 'merely' is an understatement, since this issue was even brought to encik and oc's notice.

I shant elucidate on the details of this particular tussle, partly because of the gruesome details which when revealed can cause you to lose your appetite. A clarification: there's no gore involved, its just the sheer abhorrent and vicious behavior 'the duo' portrays. One could never imagine what vile idea they are hatching. Even I couldnt bring myself to believe what has happened.

This long-standing issue wasnt resolved properly initially and it has now escalated into hostility between the 2 parties which would not likely to be resolved in this lifetime. The root of the problem lies with the flawed personalities of 'the duo' themselves. Fervent effort by our previous PC to settle the conflict yield no tangible result. "A leopard never changes its spots', how apt in this case.

Im anticipating what would ensue this coming Monday. Although I may get a off for recupertion after the marathon if Im lucky. Stay tuned for latest updates for the saga.

Marathon in 2 days!
My previous question still prevails....

67 days to liberation

Thursday, November 29, 2007, 8:28 PM

A shocking relevation was unveiled this week which I shall not divulge in fear of getting into uninvited trouble. Especially since there was this particular 'smart' individual decided to post some unappropriate remark at some established forum and was charged with SOL. It concerns the nature of my battalion. Now, there is this element of water involved in a standard battalion exercise. It baffles me why this wasnt made known last year, thereafter we could specialise in that area. With inadequate training in this area, I could almost forsee the disapproval of the ATEC evaluators.

Marathon in 3 days time.
Will you be there to give me your support?

68 days to liberation

Sunday, November 25, 2007, 8:32 PM

My brian isnt functioning properly now, still fogged by the lack of sleep. Nevertheless, Im going to proceed with this entry.

My first swamp walk was a reprehensive experience. The main issue was the foul smelling swamp water which gushed into my boots whenever I took a step. Together with the sweat, it became a toxic concoction which posed itself to be a hazard to my feet, especially when it was ravaged by the presistent althlete's foot fungus. To make matter worse, I didnt have spare socks. My feet were bathe in that deadly cocktail for nearly 18 torturing hours. The aftermath? My feet were in a worse condition than before. Hope it recover soon.

Marathon coming up in a week's time. Really excited. =D

72 days to liberation

Sunday, November 18, 2007, 5:11 PM

The sudden influx of entries doesnt occur spontaneously, it is because the I've involuntarily freed time previously spent on DOTA and TV. Both my younger siblings hogged my PC, akin to frenzied leeches which stubbornly clinged on to their hosts, denying me access. In case you were wondering how I manage the recent entries, I did it on my laptop, a piece of crap compared to the PC, limiting my gaming options. I endure all these, knowing well it wouldnt be far before my turn comes.

And the TV? I've mentioned that before. That tenant must have skin thicker than the hide of any beast to roam around the house freely, even intruding the private sanctuary of my parents' room. Just recently we discovered another of her hideous habit. Wastage of water. Massive wastage. She's just exploiting my parents' kindness. What a b***h! And she has the audacity to attempt to be friendly with my family. F**king b***h!!!!! CONDEMNED!!

11:52 AM

I need someone to clear my doubts regarding duty platoons.

The system of duty platoon was implemented by encik (who else?) so as to distribute the workload a.k.a saikang evenly among the five platoons, each taking a day of the week. My query now is 'why is it always so coincidental when there's something to do it will fall on Friday (our duty)?' Doesnt this defeat the purpose of duty platoon when its always the same platoon doing the work? Other platoon can escape scot free when they dont do area cleaning while we'll get railed at if we dont. Isnt it obvious encik is biased against us?

In my opinion, signals isnt regarded as part of the company, and the battalion thereof. Just because our vocation badge (the one wore on the right side of the collar) is different from the rest makes us targets for discrimination. In fact I gathered they could do without us. Handphones easily replace us, making us completely obsolete. They can use it during ATEC stage 2 to get 100% comms and see what the evaluators have to say.


79 days to liberation

Saturday, November 17, 2007, 3:22 PM

YEeeaAH! Completed 30km in 3 and a half hours. It wasnt easy at all, considering the furthest I had run was 21km, and the week before was a harsh one. 10km on both tuesday and wednesday. And to top it off, 6 rounds around a hilly and unforgiving Eagle's Loop, equivalent to 8.5km, with our newly appointed gung ho PC, who cajoled us to run with a radio on our back in an attempt to complete one round in 16:30, a time which even Encik will be proud of.

It certainly wasnt as difficult as the AHM. Afterall, I have been conditioned quite a bit. However, running 30km without resting is certain suicidal. I stopped and walked for some distances. Other than that, there isnt anything else worth mentioning. I mean, running is such a mundane activity, what more could one expect from it? The journey home was a much more entertaining one.

I boarded 196, which would bring me from marina crescent to clementi without much hassle. I expected a undisturbed environment, except for the monotonous drone of the engine and the random chatter to lull me into a well deserved slumber. However, there was this eccentric middle aged man who kept ranting certain incomprehensible sentences and hitting the window pane for no reason. There was only 3 plausible conclusions I could draw. 1. He really craves attention 2. He's a really lousy singer (he has ear phones on) and 3. He's a nut case. Okay that was crude. Maybe he's just mentally challenged. I chose the most obvious one and I shant reveal my choice =P. Anyway I was robbed of my rest. Even listening to my ipod almost on full blast couldnt drown out his irresponsible actions. What baffled me was why this person was moving around freely, punishing innocent commuters with his horrible singing. Oops?! Did I just reveal my choice? =X

My mind is shutting down now. Im going to rest. More entries to come tomorrow.

80 days to liberation

Friday, November 16, 2007, 10:09 PM

I was too naive to even think that life would turn for the better. In fact I already had a bad premonition before I booked in on tuesday. And I was right, yet again. However, dont think Im a prophet, it isnt too difficult to predict all the bad news in such a battalion.

I shant elucidate on the minor issue. The major one Im very concerned about is the 4days 3 night outfield in Tekong. Im returning to the place where the proof of my civilian personality mercilessly ripped from me, where my freedom was rudely confiscated. A emotional trauma, definately. To make things worse, it would be held 2 days after my marathon. I do not have the right to complain. Running the 42 km was merely an act of my voluntarism. What I could curse was my atrocious luck. This would no doubt be the pinnacle of my 2 years in NS, a test of my mental strength as well as my physical limits.

Shant stay up late, 30k tomorrow at east coast. Will share the experience if I arent too crippled.

81 days to liberation

Tuesday, November 13, 2007, 3:27 PM

Time for a quick post!

Just got back from dental appointment and its looking good. Most of the teeth are neatly aligned, abeit a few wilful ones which refuses to budge even under the stress of the metal wires. Nevertheless, even those stubborn few are shifting slowly, which Im very glad of. Havent heard anything about the operation but I guess it would most probably be sometime between feb and aug. Remember to visit me while Im hospitalised!

Life in camp has been slack but thats certainly too early to pass a judgement ( Its only tuesday). But as I mentioned before, there isnt much physical training to be done, especially when both IPPT and SOC are cleared. Been stepping up on my marathon training ! 30km this saturday!

I guess thats all! Gonna return to camp in a few minutes time.

84 days to liberation

Sunday, November 11, 2007, 8:26 PM

Help! Save me!

I dont want to go back to that desolated place. Who knows what devilious plan they are hatching up next?!

I crave for that next block leave in December.

1:13 AM

'Time flies when you're having fun'
Cliche phrase but always relevant.

I simply hate this feeling of returning to a forsaken place. Today is supposed to be a joyous day, yet that thought alone drowns all my enthusiasm.

87 days to liberation

Saturday, November 10, 2007, 1:13 PM

The week prior to this splendid block leave was certainly a hateful one. CO announced delightfully the battalion would once again 'prepare for war'. I cant be too specific about this. Hence, the battalion, more explicitly, people in my bunk, was shrouded in a cloak of suspense, or rather paranoia. Every anomaly, i.e seeing CO's, S2 and S3 cars still in the camp after office hours, rumours by highly 'reliable' ah hock sparked tension amongst us. Activation is no doubt one of most detested item on a soldier's agenda.

Nevertheless, I have more or less escaped unscathed. However, the damage has been done. People from the top have the desire to obtain top notched result in ATEC. Anyone who signed on would no doubt have that same inclination too. What about the men? We have no obligation to deliver the results. Afterall, what is required of us is to merely serve 2 years. We are in 2 different leagues altogether. Just because they have the authority and rank doesnt give them the right to impose their selfish ambitions on the men. Trust me, a backlash will soon ensue.

On a lighter note(not very heartening either), I've been mildly crippled by the pain from foot rot after the east coast run on tuesday. A lame excuse, hardly justifiable to put off marathon training for a couple of days. But trust me, its painful even when you walk, making running seem impossible. My stubborn self has finally relented, Im going to consult a doctor and get it cured once and for all.
88 days to freedom

1:06 AM

Im a intoxicated, jubilant, estatic man tonight! =D

Tuesday, November 06, 2007, 6:06 PM

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Asics Gel-Nimbus 9 (Im already falling in love with this shoe! Looks so appealing!! >.< )

Oh my, I just acquired a new broomstick, the nimbus 2000!

Haha just a lame attempt at a joke. Anyway, I just decided this would be my shoes for the anticipated marathon. Sorry randeep I didnt get a racer as you suggested. I realised I need more support for my already ruined ankle. I dont believe it could handle the stress of 42km without sustaining more damage.